In a bid to keep Delta State free of the impending flood and stop indiscriminate dumping of waste in the State, members of the Delta State Waste Management Special Task Force led by the Consultant on Waste Monitoring And Audit, Sir Chief Anthony Omamuzo Assay, has appealed to Deltans to stop the indiscriminate dumping of waste in undesignated places.

This appeal was made recently when the team visited some flooded areas in Okere Road, Warri.

While speaking with Newsmen during the visit, Chief Omamuzo Assay said the efforts of the Delta State Government in the ongoing Drainage and Canals Clearing exercise being carried out by DESOPADEC in conjunction with the Ministry of Environment will become futile if residents in the State continue to dispose their waste in canals and drains.

" I sympathize with all who this flash flood has momentarily rendered homeless. Be rest assured that it will recede and with your support the issue of flooding in the state, will be minimal.

" For some weeks now , DESOPADEC and the ministry of Environment have been working seriously to clear drains and canals across the state to avert the impending flood.  The Delta State Waste Management Board on their part through my consultation for them, have been complementing these efforts by arresting those who are acting contrarily to the Delta State Waste Management Board law of 2004 as amended in 2006, which specifically states that Deltans must use private sector participants, PSPs to evacuate their waste to the provided dump sites.

" I want to plead with you all not to be throwing your waste into already cleared drains and canals because they are a major cause of blockage"

Chief Assay speaking further  said " The Delta State waste management Board law has also specified that for non - compliance individuals, private and corporate premises that contravene, should be sealed, offenders arrested and prosecuted with jail terms and fines.

" I therefore once again want to appeal that the waste evacuated from the drains and canals by DESOPADEC and the ministry of Environment be taken to the designated dump sites in areas where they are working and this should be done promptly to avoid the rains returning them back into the cleared drains." 

He further advised residents of the areas where drains and canals were cleared to avoid taking the evacuated waste to their living environment as materials for sand filling and reclamation as the act is dangerous, harmful and detrimental to their health.

" What we are doing is OPERATION CLEAN DELTA and register with PSPs. I want to urge you all to register with government approved private sector participants PSPs so as to achieve a cleaner Environment in Delta State and also improve on your health status.

" It is also biblical that cleanliness is next to Godliness and the target and mandate of  Delta State Waste Management is for Delta  to be listed as one of the cleanest states in Nigeria" said chief Assay

while fielding questions from  newsmen, Chief Assay said it is the duty of the Delta State Waste Management Board only to create, establish and maintain dump sites, saying any other one is illegal and part of the cause of drainage and canals blockage even with minimal rainfall. He thereafter advised all Deltans to support and key into Governor Oborevwori's MORE AGENDA.


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