Delta PDP Coalition Support Group Pays Congratulatory Visits To Ag

Delta PDP Coalition Support Group Pays Congratulatory Visits To Aguariavwodo, Jamani.

Members Of the Delta PDP Coalition Support Group, ably led by the Chairman of the group, Sir. Chief Assay Anthony Omamuzo, Thursday 19th, October 2023, paid congratulatory visits to the Senior Political Adviser To Delta State Governor, Sen. Emmanuel Aguariavwodo and the Delta State Commissioner for Environment, Hon. Ejiro Jamani , in Asaba.

Welcoming the group members to his office, Sen. Aguariavwodo appreciated and thanked them for the visit. He commended them for their efforts especially, during the electoral campaigns and elections, advising that they continue to support the government of Governor Oborevwori and ensure as leaders in their various capacities, they exercise good leadership qualities.

Welcoming the group members to his office, Sen. Aguariavwodo appreciated and thanked them for the visit. He commended them for their efforts especially, during the electoral campaigns and elections, advising that they continue to support the government of Governor Oborevwori and ensure as leaders in their various capacities, they exercise good leadership qualities.

" I want to commend your efforts especially, during the campaigns and elections. The name of this group was heard everywhere even after the elections. I want to urge you all to continue to support Governor Oborevwori's government. With his MORE AGENDA, Delta State will experience improved development. As leaders of various support groups, ensure you exercise the qualities of good leadership. Rest assured, that Governor Oborevwori will not forget all who worked for him. Aside appointments, try and equip yourselves with the necessary tools in pursuit of contracts and be sure to get support however you need it." Aguariavwodo said.


Speaking on behalf of the group, Chief Assay thanked Sen. Aguariavwodo for his warm reception. He gave a brief history of how the Coalition came into existence, saying that Governor Oborevwori's emergence as the governor of Delta State was a divine project.

" Sir, on behalf of the members of the Coalition, I want to thank you for your warm reception. The Coalition is a group made up of different PDP support groups who came together during the last general elections to form a strong support base for the victory of our amiable governor, Sheriff Oborevwori. Today, we are here to congratulate you on your well deserved appointment. We know you as a strong grassroot mobilizer who has the capacity to use your office to hold all the support groups in Delta State together.  As a group, what we are looking out for is the 2027 elections which we know for sure is sealed for Governor Oborevwori because of his great proactive developmental strides in the State especially awarding Julius Berger the Contract to construct flyovers and other civil works in the State. It is our desire to continue to support him so that his MORE AGENDA dream for the state, can be actualized.Present in your office today are the coordinators of different support groups, we have members cut across the state who are looking up to us. I want to use this opportunity to appeal that the members of the Coalition Support Group are considered for various appointments and empowerment in the state" Chief Assay said.


Highpoint of the visit was the presentation of a congratulatory plaque and the group's  magazine to Sen. Aguariavwodo.


At the office of the Delta State Commissioner for Environment, Hon. Ejiro Jamani, the Commissioner was very happy to receive members of the Coalition. He thanked them for the work they did during the campaigns and elections, he also advised they don't relent in propagating the MORE AGENDA of Governor Oborevwori.


" Governor Oborevwori is a listening governor. He has a lot of good plans for the state. Delta will experience massive development in Oborevwori's administration because the Governor is very conversant with the terrains in the State. All I want is for you people to continue to support his administration, don't get discouraged. Everyone who worked for this government would be carried along" Hon. Jamani said.

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